
Scheduled Vaccinations Are Important to Your Pet’s Health

Vaccines have come under close scrutiny because of their perceived side effects. However, the value of these immunizations is undeniable, providing protection against diseases that can threaten their health and may even cause death. A regular vaccine schedule ensures that your pet does not pick up common bacteria and viruses from common methods of transmission, such as from contact with other animals, from pet dishes or from toys.

Canine Vaccines

Puppies receive their first course of vaccines at 6 to 8 weeks old, then at 2 to 4 week intervals until they are 4 months old. These vaccines protect against parvovirus, hepatitis, and distemper. Sometimes, these protections are provided in combination form, but they may also be given in individual vaccines. After they reach adulthood, booster vaccines are given. Rabies shots are not given until the animal is 4 months old, and then the vaccine is administered annually. Three-year rabies vaccine is also available. Your veterinarian can advise on which type of vaccine is best for your dog.

  • Rabies Vaccine – Protects against rabies and is required by the state.
  • Distemper Vaccine – (DHPP) -Prevents the following diseases: Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, and Parvo Virus.
  • Bordetella – (Kennel Cough) – Prevents dogs from having a severe case of kennel cough/pneumonia.
  • Leptospirosis Vaccine – Protects against the Leptospirosis bacteria that is transferred through the urine of wildlife.
  • Lyme Vaccine – Protects against Lyme disease which is transferred through ticks.
  • Influenza Vaccine – Prevents dogs from having a severe case of Respiratory Influenza.

Feline Vaccines

Kittens are also given vaccinations a few weeks apart until the age of 7 months. Core vaccines include those against panleukopenia, feline calicivirus, and rhinotracheitis. Rabies vaccine is given at 4 months or older. Even if your cat stays indoors most of the time, he or she can pick up a virus from brief contact with another animal when out of the house.

  • Rabies Vaccine – Protects against rabies and is required by the state.
  • Distemper Vaccine – (PRC) – Prevents the following viruses: Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calcivirus, and Panleukopenia.
  • Leukemia Vaccine – Protects against leukemia virus, recommended for outdoor cats.

Special Vaccines to Protect Your Pet

Pets that are boarding or go to daycare may also need the Bordetella vaccine. In addition, your vet may recommend vaccination against Borrelia burgdorferi, leptospirosis and feline immunodeficiency virus, if an outbreak has occurred in your area.

If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (925) 684-4443.